Oblates of the Virgin Mary


Oblate Mission in Canada: Parish Service and Youth Evangelization

The Oblates of the Virgin Mary arrived in Canada in 1985, where they worked for many years in parishes and retreat houses.

At present (in 2020-2021), the six Oblates of the delegation live in the same presbytery in Pointe-aux-Trembles, on the easternmost tip of the island of Montreal. Our confreres are in charge of six parishes in the Montreal diocese: two parishes are on the island of Montreal and four parishes are on the other side of the Rivière-des-Prairies, quite close to the presbytery where we live.

The parishes on the island of Montreal are Saint-Enfant-Jésus and Sainte Maria Goretti. The four off-island parishes are : La Purification de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie, Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Saints-Simon-et-Jude and Saint-Paul-l’Ermite.

Given the fact that in the province of Quebec, young people (aged 0 to 30) have almost no idea of what the Christian life is all about, the Oblates use a variety of means to help each person have a profound and transforming encounter with the living God. The means they use to do this are: the Alpha Course, the Parish Evangelization Cell System and the Saint André School of Evangelization.

Fundados por el venerable Padre Pio Bruno Lanteri, los Oblatos de la Virgen María son una Congregación de sacerdotes y hermanos que viven prácticamente el carisma del fundador con el apostolado de los Ejercicios Espirituales, la cooperación con el clero local, la propagación de la fe a través de los medios de comunicación y redes sociales, predicando el Evangelio en las diferentes misiones y obras, sobre todo ayudando a la formación de los laicos.

Do you feel a call to join the Oblates of the Virgin Mary?

Contact the Vocations Director:

P. Aloysius Ebonine, OMV – canadaomvvocation@gmail.com

(01) (463) 524-4601

Various websites about the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in Canada :


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