On June 1, 2020, Mgr ROUGE signed a pastoral letter in which he indicated the creation of five sanctuaries, including the Chapelle Sainte-Rita. We’d like to thank him once again for the thoughtfulness of his pastorate in including us among those places of the Church which, for one reason or another, have a special significance.
Since its very beginnings, Chapelle Ste-Rita has seen a steady flow of faithful from many different parishes – nearly 60 – and social backgrounds, from strong Christian backgrounds to those weakened by life’s vicissitudes. Our Oblate community, present in this chapel since its foundation (1991), seeks to ensure a presence that meets the specific expectations of all:
We could almost say that we already had a certain “sanctuary” dynamic, but we felt, through this pastoral letter from our bishop, not only a recognition, but also and above all an urgent call to give ourselves more to this task of accompanying people according to our own charism, that of the “Spiritual Exercises”, willed by our founder, the venerable Pio Bruno Lanteri, and the inspiration given by our patroness, St. Rita, a woman of “sorrow” but also of great hope.
Votre soutien nous aide à poursuivre les différentes activités de ce lieu de sanctuaire.
Demandez au Sanctuaire de Sainte Rita une messe pour vos intentions, commémorant l’Eucharistie et la présence du Christ.
Des cierges brûlent sans cesse , symbolisant nos prières et remerciements pour que nos vies deviennent lumière.
Sainte Rita, Saine patronne des causes perdues, accueille vos intentions et remerciements, et que la charité fraternelle renforce notre prière.
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