Burning a candle

Burn a candle for your intentions

“I’m here in this church because I know you’re present. But I don’t know what to say to you. I don’t know how to pray. So I’m using this medium that speaks for me and says everything I can’t express. I entrust myself to you, my God, to entrust to you those I love and others who worry me. Enlighten me in my difficulties and problems”. Bernadette, in her sixties, prays this to God, right next to the candle she has just laid down.

It’s a fact that, every day, many candles, novenas and candle-lights are burned without interruption in shrines all over the Catholic world. Each one does so according to the impulse of his or her heart, often with a strong and significant spiritual movement, carrying a personal intention, a request or thanksgiving, a supplication or intercession. Others combine their usual prayer or even the Eucharist with this simple gesture.

For Catholics, the candle brings us closer to the true light of the world, which is Christ. His death and resurrection are expressed in the Paschal candle. Through baptism, we have become “sons of light”, called to walk in the light.

Accessible to anyone, burning a candle is a way of replacing or extending our prayer, of bringing us closer to and in solidarity with the person we are thinking of. The candle we light for the deceased is there to say: “You are no longer here, but through this light, I feel your presence. It is through this light that I express the love I have within me and that will always remain in my heart”.

A candle offered in a gesture of trust can express, for example, a sense of God’s paternity, love and mercy. It is also a symbol of existence, fragile, precarious and self-offering.

It can help to purify, deepen and pacify. It also helps you to concentrate and gather your inner self. The imagination fixes on the flame, which becomes a support, an act of recollection.

The candle brings light, it enlightens, it warms, it expresses what is important for Man.

In order to serve you well, we will light a novena or a night-light in front of Saint Rita or the Holy Family…

Opposite Sainte-Rita

A prayer in time

Opposite the Holy Family

St Rita's Novena

6,50 €
[Durée de 9 jours]

St. Faustina Novena

Red nightlight

2,75 €
[Durée de 24 h.]

Red nightlight

Blue nightlight

2,00 €
[Durée de 6 h.]

Blue nightlight

White nightlight

1,50 €
[Durée de 4 h.]

White nightlight

In 3 easy steps, here’s how you can help us light a candle for you…

Step 1:

By clicking here ” Light a candle ” you will be directed to a Société Générale page [SogeCommerce] where you can send us your personal details, the amount of the proposed offering (€6.50, €2.75, €2.00 or €4.50) and any message you would like to send us.

Step 2:

By clicking on VALIDATE, another page is displayed for “Pre-payment verification”.

Step 3:

By clicking on CONFIRM, a final page allows you to make your payment/offering by credit card and to VALIDATE.

When you validate, you’ll receive a summary of your offering by e-mail, and we’ll also be informed of your wishes and expectations.

Support your sanctuary

Your support helps us to continue the various activities of this place of sanctuary.

Contribution to the Mass

Ask the Sanctuary of Saint Rita for a mass for your intentions, commemorating the Eucharist and the presence of Christ.

Prayer intention

Saint Rita, patron saint of lost causes, welcomes your intentions and thanks, and may fraternal charity strengthen our prayer.

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