Before becoming a sanctuary, the Sainte Rita chapel was desired by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in the early ’60s, when they were already building the RésidenceUniversity residence Lanteri [R .U.L.], a hostel for students, to create a pastoral and social center in the Paris region and, at the same time, encourage the expression of the Oblate charism and devotion to Saint Rita, already so well established in Nice and which the confreres in Nice wanted to export to Fontenay-aux-Roses.
In other words, the Congregation of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary has had a Marian shrine in Nice, the Church of the Annunciation, since 1844. In the 1930s, Father Andrea Bianco received and placed the statue of Saint Rita in this church: the saint soon attracted an impressive number of faithful and pilgrims who came to ask for her intercession… and to thank her for the graces she obtained. Indeed, Saint Rita is the patron saint of hopeless cases, “the saint of the impossible”: if you have the chance to read about her life, you’ll understand why…
Faced with this influx of faithful and afflicted people who had found their way back to the faith and the Church, and with the repeated requests of many faithful, the Nice Oblates decided that it would be a good idea to found a chapel dedicated to Saint Rita in the Paris region. So they decided to establish an Oblate community in Fontenay-aux-Roses, with a chapel as its apostolic center. Under French law, they first established a university residence, the Oblates having had similar experience in Pisa, Italy. The Résidence Universitaire Lanteri was built in 1961-1963. But it would be many years before the chapel could be completed. Allow us to express our gratitude and admiration for the remarkable work of Father Secondo Richiardone, founder and, for many years, superior of the Fontenay house.
In fact, it was not until 1990 that the chapel was erected and built in two years, under the skilful direction of architect Jean JOLIVEL, an advisor to Chantier du Cardinal. The chapel was blessed and opened to the faithful on July 22, 1992 by Mgr Ambrosanio, Bishop of Spoleto (the diocese in which Cascia is located), and consecrated on November 21, 1992 by Mgr François FAVREAU, Bishop of Nanterre, in the presence of numerous priests and faithful gathered in prayer to celebrate the solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe.
Since then, Rita’s influence has continued to grow, and her devotion to the saint of desperate causes has been a source of inspiration to many. As we know, Rita was a Christian woman whose faith was fearless, her hope unfailing and her charity beyond the impossible. She consoles hearts, strengthens the weak and gives us the joy of moving forward, despite the trials and tribulations of life.
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